M H Soltanzadeh MD, professor of pediatrics
Medical Director of the Infection Control Program
at Emam Hossain Hospital,
Shahid Behshti University, TEHRAN , IRAN


Hospital-acquired infectious are a major cause of morbidity and mortality in hospitalized children particularly those in ICU for prevention HAND WASHING AND ISOLATION Hand washing before and after each patient contact remain the single most important routine practice in the control of NASOCOMIAL INFECTIONS, The purpose of the infection control; to reduce the risk of the Nasocomial infection in : Patient,Employees, Visitors all employees are responsible Surveillance ; data collection , analysis , intervention , reporting on select , Nasocomial indicators : surgical wands infection , bactremia infection .

Education , Orientation , Continuing education , annual training . Transmission of infection require three elements; A source of infection organisms, Susceptible host , A means of transmission for organism. Because source and host factors are more difficult to control , most infection control measures are designed to interrupt the transmission of organism .

There are three main routes of transmission ; CONTACT, DROPLET, AIRBORNE, Contact is the most important and frequent route can occur direct or indirect contact .

DROPLETS can be produced during; Talking,Sneezing, Coughing in Airborne Transmission from the SOURCE TO HOST